You can contact us:

  • by E-mail to Enquiries@Cambre.Solutions
  • by phone to +32 493 33 08 17
  • by writing to us at Rue Édouard Olivier 18, 1170 Watermael-Boitsfort, Belgium
  • or by filling in this form...

Please let us know…

How would you prefer us to respond?

Rest assured we will never use your E-mail address, or any of your other details, except to contact you to respond to your request, and will never pass any of your details to any third party. Feel free to omit any information from this form (making sure, of course, that we have some way to contact you if you’ve asked for a response!)

In case you’re wondering why you haven’t seen the usual “please accept our cookies” prompt, it’s because we don’t set any!

We aim to respond to everything within an hour or two, but occasionally that isn’t possible. We will respond to your enquiry within at most one (Belgian) working day.